Articles & Resources

What Are Witness Statements?

Posted by T. Jake HinkinsJun 29, 20230 Comments

Witness statements can be a valuable form of evidence in a personal injury case. A witness statement is a written or recorded statement provided by someone who witnessed an accident or incident. Witness statements can help establish what happened, who was at fault, and the extent of your injuries.

Here are some key things to keep in mind about witness statements:

1. Who can provide a witness statement: Anyone who witnessed the accident or incident can provide a witness statement. This can include bystanders, passengers, and other drivers.

2. What should the statement include: A witness statement should include a detailed description of what the witness saw or heard, including the events leading up to the accident, the accident itself, and any aftermath. The witness should also include their contact information and sign and date the statement.

3. How to obtain witness statements: Witness statements can be obtained through a variety of methods, including interviewing witnesses at the scene of the accident, contacting witnesses directly, or obtaining statements through a subpoena.

4. How to use witness statements: Witness statements can be used to support your version of events and to establish liability. They can also be used to support your claim for damages, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

5. How to evaluate witness statements: It's important to evaluate witness statements carefully to determine their credibility and reliability. This can include looking for inconsistencies or discrepancies in the statement, evaluating the witness's demeanor or body language, and considering any biases or motivations the witness may have.

6. How to present witness statements: Witness statements can be presented in a variety of ways, including as part of written documentation submitted to the court, in a deposition, or in a trial setting.

By obtaining and presenting strong witness statements, you can help establish what happened, who was at fault, and the extent of your injuries, and increase your chances of a favorable outcome in your personal injury case.